ISDN Error Messages
Call rejected (error code 3495)
The device reached under the phone number refused the call, although it was not
busy and was able to answer the call. Example: if the ISDN option "Call waiting" is
activated on the other's party line, a telephone can answer your call even if a call is
in progress at the time. This error message occurs when your waiting call is
refused by the person you are trying to reach.
Number changed (error code 3496)
The phone number of the party you are calling has changed. Contact your
telephone company for the new number.
Destination out of order (error code 349B)
The terminal device on the number you are calling could not be reached, because
the port for this device did not work. Possible causes: the other party's terminal
device is not connected or not turned on, or it is not working properly. Contact the
other party to find out the cause.
Invalid number format (error code 349C)
The party you are calling could not be reached because the number you called is in
the wrong format or incomplete.
No circuit/channel available (error code 34A2)
No B channel is available for a call at the moment. Upon this, the INSYS Pocket
ISDN initiates a blockade release and clears a B channel with this.
ISDN network out of order (errror code 34A6)
Problems in the ISDN network. Wait a while and try again.
Temporary failure (error code 34A9)
Temporary problems in the ISDN network. You can try again immediately.
Incompatible destination (error code 34D8)
The terminal device of the other party is not compatible with the terminal device
that is making the call. The call cannot be answered, therefore. This error could
occur, for example, if the terminal device of the other party is a normal telephone.