Note: For details of how to lock data, please refer to the relevant part
of “Personal Information”. You should input the password or clear
the password before viewing the locked data in “Commemoration”.
5.7.2 Searching Data
-- Please refer to the relevant part of “Telephone Directory” for details.
5.7.3 Editing and Deleting Data
-- Please refer to the relevant part of “Telephone Directory” for details.
5.7.4 Password
-- Please refer to the relevant part of “Personal Information” for details.
5.8 Scheduler
It contains daily scheduler and weekly scheduler. The records in “Schedule”,
“To Do List” and “Commemoration” will be listed in this application for
your easy and quick searching and viewing.
5.8.1 Searching Data
If there are records on the current
day, the records will be shown on
the screen. “S” represents Schedule
record, “T” represents To Do List item
on that day, “C” represents Com-
memoration record.
Note: Before entering this application, user should save some records
in “Schedule”, “To Do List” or “Commemoration” first.