CHAPTER 7 PCSynC And downloAd PRogRAm
Note: Regarding the setting, if “Send (PC to Instant-Dict)” is chosen,
data in the computer will be added/ replaced those in the
electronic dictionary; if “Receive (Instant-Dict to PC)” is chosen,
data in the electronic dictionary will be added/ replaced those
in the computer; if “PC Synchronization” is chosen, data in
the electronic dictionary and your computer will be synchronized.
As for the setting of conditions, please refer to Synchronization
C. The appearance of dialogue box “Completed transmission!” indi-
cates that synchronization is completed.
7.1.6 Corresponding Table of InSTAnT-dICT & oUTlooK
The table shows the corresponding names used in INSTANT-DICT and
OUTLOOK in your PC.
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