Installation and programming manual
Configuring the devices connected to the RS485 BUS
Chapter 13
Configuring the devices connected to the RS485 BUS
From panel:
<key>, Programming, Configuration, BUS, Ok
The SmartLetUSee/LCD-Lite repeaters are clone panels. They are equipped with displays and LEDs and
replicate all the information provided by the control panel. The panel supports up to 4 repeaters which,
under normal circumstances, should be located at entrances/exits, in such way as to allow building
occupants or fire officers to view alarm details without going too far inside the building.
The SmartLevel power-supply stations provide load current to remote apparatus located within the area
covered by the system. The control panel supports two power-supply stations, for a maximum of six
devices connected to the RS485 BUS.
After installing and addressing each device, you must include them in the system configuration.
This will allow the panel to determine which devices are connected to
the BUS and indicate those found.
The panel uses the screen above, to indicate the current configuration of repeaters and extinguishant
modules. if you press
(working from this screen), the panel will search the communication BUS and
include any newly found devices in the configuration.
E x t i n g u i s h b o a r d x
S m a r t L e v e l y
R e p e a t e r z
O K t o C o n t i n u e