Built in Em issivit y Table list of com m on m at er ials
CMOS visible im age and st orage
I nfrar ed and visible im age fusion
Mer ge set
Upgr a de s a nd Opt ion s
DURACAM XT m odel is fact or y upgradeable for Wide Angle or Telephot o
DURACAM XT m odel is fact or y upgradeable for high t em perat ure
expansion lens t o a w ide t em perat ur e m easur em ent range.
Applica t ion s:
Pr e ve n t ive m a in t e n a n ce
Pow er indust r y: Pow er line and pow er facilit y t her m al st at e checking;
pr oblem and defect diagnosis.
Elect rical syst em : I dent ify pot ent ial cir cuit over loads.
Mechanical syst em : Reduce downt im e and avoid cat ast r ophic failur e.
Con st r u ct ion scie n ce
Roof: Quick ident ificat ion of wat er penet rat ion pr oblem s.
St ruct ur e: Com m ercial and r esident ial energy audit s.
Moist ur e det ect ion: Det erm ine r oot cause of m oist ur e and m ildew.
Evaluat ion
Evaluat e t he r esolut ion t o ensur e t he ar ea com plet ely dry.
Ot h e r s
I r on and st eel indust ry: I nspect st eel r efining and r olling pr ocesses;
diagnose hot- blast st ove defect s; det ect t he em br yo t em perat ur e of arm or
plat e, et c.
Fir e fight ing: For est fir e pr event ion and det ect ion of lat ent ignit ion
sour ce. Pr event ive det ect ion on specific m at er ials of aut o- ignit ion. Det ect ion
of pot ent ial spar k ignit ion sources.
Medical: Hum an body sur face t em perat ur e det ect ion and scr eening.