Measuring Current Consumption in Different Power Modes
Document No. 002-14914 Rev. *C
Measure the current consumption
Set the approximate range of the ammeter to 10 mA and measure the current being consumed by the DUT.
HV(3/2) for DUT as Slave Mode
This section explains how to set the BCM4324/BCM4334 to HV(3/2) for DUT as Slave mode. Steps include the fol-
lowing (Some of the steps apply to the DUT, and others apply to the reference board.):
Set the HCI Control Transport profile on the DUT.
Reset the DUT.
Set the HCI Control Transport profile on the reference board.
Reset the reference board.
Read and record the BD Address of the DUT.
Set the Event Filter parameters on the DUT.
Set the Write Scan Enable parameters on the DUT.
Reset the reference board.
Read and record the BD Address of the reference board.
Set the Event Filter parameters on the reference board.
Set the Write Scan Enable parameters on the reference board.
Read the local supported features on the reference board.
Write the local supported features on the reference board.
Read the local supported features on the DUT.
Write the local supported features on the DUT.
Create a connection from the reference board.
Set the Write Scan Enable parameters on the reference board.
Add an SCO connection from the reference board.
This section concludes by specifying the approximate ammeter range setting for measuring the current being con-
sumed by the DUT.
Before you begin, set up and turn on the test equipment and launch Cypress BlueTool.
Set the HCI Control Transport profile on the DUT
Open a log window. On the
menu, click
Log Window
Set the HCI Control Transport profile.
On the
menu, click
HCI Control
In HCI Control Window Transport: