Speedway Revolution Installation and Operations Guide Octane 4.8
Appendix B: GPIO
Copyright © 2011, Impinj, Inc.
Appendix B: GPIO Details
Speedway Revolution includes a multipurpose I/O port that contains an RS-232 serial port,
four opto-isolated inputs, four opto-isolated outputs, and a +5V supply. You access these
features through a DE15 connector mounted on the side of the reader.
The four opto-isolated inputs have a range of 0–30V. The reader treats an input of 0–0.8V
as a logic 0, and an input of 3–30V as a logic 1. The reader has a per-input debounce
interval that is configurable via LLRP. (See the document titled Octane LLRP for more
information). This value dictates the minimum pulse width of an input. Impinj recommends
that external devices guarantee a minimum pulse width of at least 100 milliseconds
The reader also provides four opto-isolated outputs. For the GPIO outputs to function, an
external user supply must be connected between V+, and V-. The maximum voltage for this
supply is 30V. When the user configures a selected GPIO output via LLRP to output logic 0,
an isolated FET switch within the reader effectively shorts that output to V- with a current
sink capability of up to 200mA. When the user configures a selected GPIO output to logic 1,
the selected output is pulled to V+ through a 10K resistor. If GPIO isolation is not required,
the reader provides a +5V supply and a ground pin on the DE-15 that can be connected to
V+ and V-.
Figure B.1 shows the detailed function of each pin of the GPIO DE-15 connector.
Figure B.1 DE-15 GPIO Port Functions
: As described above, both the input and output pins are opto-isolated.
A GPIO box accessory (IPJ-A5000-000) is available from your authorized reseller or systems
integrator. Additional information on this product is available atwww.impinj.com.
: Do not attach a lightstack or other output device that requires a Revolution
output to sink more than 200mA. Attaching non-approved devices will result in
unrecoverable damage to the Reader and is not covered by warranty as it is outside the
specified operating parameters