Hardware User’s Manual
Imperx, Inc.
Rev. 1.4
6421 Congress Ave.
Boca Raton, FL 33487
+1 (561) 989-0006
117 of 175
The configuration utility includes an interactive help file, which will guide you
through the GUI controls and camera settings. On the main window the user can see
useful camera information – Current Image Size (Size), Number of Frame per second
(FPS), the Frame Time (FTM), Exposure Time (EXP) and Temperature of the CCD
sensor (TMP). Additional information can be obtained by clicking on the buttons
shown in the CamConfig window, such as Video Amp, I/O Control, Genlock, etc. The
bottom of the main utility window is camera name and status of HD-SDI connection.
If the connection between the camera and the computer is lost a red cross will appear
above the connection icon.
All panels in the Bobcat HD-SDI CamConfig share the same general control options
and menus for “File”, “View” and “Help” – Figure 5.3.
Figure 5.3 – Main Menu.
Run Application:
Select and starts other executable file (Frame-Grabber
application, etc.…) that user normally uses. CamConfig will
remember the path of last executable file that you used, so the
next time when you start the application without having to type-
in the location.
Load From:
Loads the camera registers from a saved configuration space:
File, Workspace, Factory Space, User Space #1 or User Space