Remote Instructions
The Impact Digital Monolight kit comes with a radio
remote (also known as the transmitter) that enables the
user to control and trigger the studio flash remotely.
Mount the transmitter onto your camera’s hot-shoe port,
or connect it using the included 3.5 mm to PC sync cord.
To use the remote with the Digital Monolight, use the
following features:
Flashtube Power Output
Press the or button on the remote to adjust the power output of the
flashtube. Each push of the button will adjust the output in 0.1 increments.
Modeling Light Power Output
To turn on the modeling light using the remote, press and hold the button for
three seconds. Press the or button to adjust the light’s output. Press and
hold the button to turn off the monolight.
To operate the light in independent mode, you need to set the monolight’s
modeling light manually on the unit. Control the modeling light’s output using the
above instructions.