Immergas EOLO STAR 24 3 E User Manual Download Page 14










 instalaţiile termice trebuie să fie supuse 

întreţinerii periodice (în acest sens consultaţi, în acest 
manual, în secţiunea dedicată tehnicianului, punctul 
referitor la “control şi întreţinere anuală a aparatului”) 
şi verificării periodice a eficienţei energetice cu re-
spectarea dispoziţiilor naţionale, judeţene  sau locale 
în vigoare.
Acest lucru permite menţinerea neschimbate în timp a 
caracteristicilor de siguranţă, randament şi funcţionare 
care  caracterizează centrala.
Sugerăm stipularea contractelor anuale de curăţare 
anuale de curăţare şi întreţinere cu Tehnicianul Vostru 
din zonă.



Este indispensabil ca în spaţiile unde e instalată centrala 
să existe un aflux de aer necesar combustiei normale a 
gazului consumat de aparat şi de ventilarea spaţiului. 
Indicaţiile privind ventilarea, canalele de fum, coşurile 
şi hornurile, sunt trecute în parag. 1.5, 1.6 e 1.7. În caz 
de dubii privind ventilarea corectă adresaţi-vă unui 
personal tehnic calificat profesional.



Nu expuneţi centrala vaporilor direcţi din planurile 
de fierbere.
Interzisă utilizarea centralei de către copii sau persoane 
În cazul în care se decide dezactivarea temporară a 
centralei va trebui:
a) să goliţi instalaţia hidrică, dacă nu e prevăzută 

folosirea de anti-îngheţ;

b) să decuplaţi alimentările electrice, hidrice şi de 


În caz de lucrări sau întreţineri de structuri aşezate în 
apropierea conductelor sau dispozitivelor de evacuare 
a gazelor arse şi accesoriile lor, opriţi aparatul iar la 
terminarea lucrărilor , personalul calificat profesional 
va verifica eficienţa conductelor sau a dispozitivelor.  
Nu efectuaţi curăţări ale aparatului sau a părţilor sale 
cu substanţe uşor inflamabile.
Nu lăsaţi recipiente sau substanţe inflamabile în locul 
unde este instalat aparatul.  
Este interzisă şi periculoasă obturarea chiar şi parţială 
a prizele de aer pentru ventilarea spaţiului unde este 
instalată centrala.  
Este interzis în plus, prin periculozitatea sa, funcţionarea 
în acelaşi spaţiu a aspiratoarelor, şemineurilor sau altele 
asemănătoare simultan cu centrala exceptând situaţia 
în care există deschizături suplimentare dimensionate 
astfel încât să satisfacă necesităţile ulterioare de aer. 
Pentru dimensionarea acestor deschizături ulterioare 
adresaţi-vă unui personal tehnic calificat. În special 
un şemineu deschis trebuie să aibă propria alimentare 
cu aer.
În caz contrar centrala nu poate fi instalată în acelaşi 



 folosirea oricărui component care 

utilizează energie electrică presupune respectarea 
unor reguli fundamentale printre care:

  -  nu atingeţi aparatul cu părţile corpului ude sau 

umede; nu atingeţi nici dacă sunteţi cu picioarele 

  -  nu trageţi cablurile electrice, nu lăsaţi expus apa-

ratul agenţilor atmosferici (ploaie, soare, etc);

  -  cablul de alimentare al aparatului nu trebuie să 

fie înlocuit de utilizator;

  -  în caz de distrugere a cablului, opriţi aparatul 

şi adresaţi-vă exclusiv personalului calificat 
profesional pentru înlocuirea acestuia;

  -  dacă se decide întreruperea utilizării aparatu-

lui pentru o anumită perioadă de timp, este 
recomandabilă dezactivarea întrerupătorului 
electric de alimentare.




the heating plants must undergo perio-

dical maintenance (regarding this, see in the section 
dedicated to the technician, relative to “yearly con-
trol and maintenance of the appliance”) and regular 
checks of energy efficiency in compliance with 
national, regional or local provisions in force.
This ensures that the optimal safety, performance 
and operation characteristics of the boiler remain 
unchanged over time.
We recommend stipulating a yearly cleaning and 
maintenance contract with your zone technician.


In the room in which the boiler is installed it is 
necessary that at least as much air flows as that 
requested for by normal combustion of the gas 
and ventilation of the room. The provisions rela-
tive to ventilation, the fume pipes, chimneys and 
caps are stated in Par. 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7. If in doubt 
regarding correct ventilation, refer to professional, 



Never expose the suspended boiler to direct vapours 
from a cooking surface.
Use of the boiler by unskilled persons or children 
is strictly prohibited.
If temporary shutdown of the boiler is required, 
proceed as follows:
a) drain the heating system if anti-freeze is not 



In the case of work or maintenance to structures 
located in the vicinity of ducting or devices for flue 


appliance and on completion of operations ensure 
that a qualified technician checks efficiency of the 
ducting or other devices.
Never clean the appliance or connected parts with 
easily flammable substances.
Never leave containers or flammable substances in 
the same environment as the appliance.
It is prohibited and dangerous to obstruct the air 
intake, even partially, for the ventilation of the room 
in which the boiler is installed.
Due to the danger, functioning is also prohibited 
in the same room as suction devices, chimneys 
or similar at the same time as the boiler unless 
there are additional openings dimensioned in a 
way to satisfy the further necessity for air. For the 
dimensioning of these additional openings, refer to 


must have its own air supply.
On the contrary, the boiler cannot be installed in 
the same room.



the use of components involving use 

of electrical power requires some fundamental 
rules to be observed:

  -  do not touch the appliance with wet or moist 

parts of the body; do not touch when barefo-

  -  never pull electrical cables or leave the ap-

pliance exposed to atmospheric agents (rain, 
sunlight, etc.);

  -  the appliance power cable must not be repla-

ced by the user;


the appliance and contact exclusively qualified 


  -  if the appliance is not to be used for a certain 

period, disconnect the main power switch.




Plynové zariadenia musia byť 

podrobované pravidelnej údržbe (k tejto téme sa 
dozviete viac v oddielu tejto príručky venovanej 
technikovi, respektívne bodu, ktorý sa týka ročnej 
kontroly a údržby zariadenia) a v stanovených 
intervaloch vykonávanej kontroly energetického 
výkonu v súlade s platnými národnými, regionálnymi 
a miestnymi predpismi.
To umožňuje zachovať bezpečnostné, výkonnostné 
a funkčné vlastnosti, ktorými sa tento kotol 
Odporúčame vám, aby ste uzavreli ročnú zmluvu 
o čistení a údržbe s vaším miestnym technikom.


Je nutné, aby do miestnosti, v ktorej je kotol 
inštalovaný, mohlo prúdiť toľko vzduchu, koľko 
vyžaduje bežné spaľovanie plynu a ventilácia 
miestnosti. Predpisy týkajúce sa vetrania, 
spalinového potrubia, komínov a komínových 
nástavcov sú uvedené v oddieloch 1.5, 1.6 a 1.7. 
V prípade pochyb o správnom vetraní sa obráťte 
na odborný kvalifikovaný personál.


Nevystavujte kotol priamym výparom z varných 
Zabráňte použitiu kotla deťom a nepovolaným 
V prípade, že sa rozhodnete pre dočasnú deaktiváciu 
kotla, je potreba:
a)  pristúpiť k vypusteniu vodovodného systému, ak 

nie sú nutné opatrenia proti zamrznutiu;

b) pristúpiť k odpojeniu elektrického napájania 

a prívodu vody a plynu.

V prípade prác alebo údržby stavebných prvkov 
v blízkosti potrubí alebo zariadení na odvod dymu 
a ich príslušenstva kotol vypnite a po dokončení 
prác nechte zariadenie a potrubie skontrolovať 
odborne kvalifikovanými pracovníkmi.
Zariadenie a jeho časti nečistite ľahko horľavými 
V miestnosti, kde je zariadenie inštalované, 
neponechávajte horľavé kontejnery alebo látky.
Je zakázané a nebezpečné upchávať, a to aj čiastočne, 
otvory pre nasávanie vzduchu v miestnosti, kde je 
kotol inštalovaný.
Okrem toho je zakázané z dôvodu nebezpečnosti  
prevádzkovať v rovnakej miestnosti odsávače, 
krby apod. spoločne s kotlom, ak neboli vytvorené 
dodatočné vetracie otvory dimenzované tak, aby 
vyhoveli ďalšej potrebe vzduchu.  Pre vhodné 
dimenzovanie ďalších otvorov sa obráťte na 
odborný kvalifikovaný personál. Predovšetkým 
otvorený krb musí mať vlastný prívod vzduchu.
V opačnom prípade kotol nie je možné inštalovať 
v rovnakej miestnosti.



pri použití akéhokoľvek zariadenia, 

ktoré využíva elektrickej energie, je potreba 
dodržiavať niektoré základné pravidlá, ako:

  -  nedotýkajte sa zariadenia vlhkými alebo 

mokrými časťami tela; nedotýkajte sa ho 

  -  neťahajte za elektrické kabely, nevystavujte 

zariadenia atmosférickým vplyvom (daždi, 
slnku apod.);

  -  napájací kábel kotla nesmie vymenovať 


  -  v prípade poškodenia kábla zariadenie 

vypnite a obráťte sa výhradne na odborne 
kvalifikovaný personál, ktorý sa postará o jeho 

  -  ak by ste sa rozhodli zariadenie na určitú 

dobu nepoužívať, je vhodné odpojiť elektrický 
spínač napájania.

Summary of Contents for EOLO STAR 24 3 E

Page 1: ...ami Talimat ve uyarılar kitapçığı Návod k použití a upozornění Használati utasítás és figyelmeztetések ÎÅÉ É ÌÍ É ÊÉ ØÅÌÊÆÎ Í ÑÃÃ Manual de instrucţiuni şi recomandări Instruction booklet and warning Návod na použitie a upozornenia NIKE Star 24 3 E ES RU RO IE SK PL TR CZ HU ...

Page 2: ...65 ...

Page 3: ...instalare uz şi întreţinere Instalarea şi întreţinerea trebuie să fie executate cu respectarea normelor în vigoare conform instrucţiunilor constructorului şi de către personal profesional calificat înţelegând prin acesta că deţine competenţa specifică şi tehnică în sectorul instalaţiilor O instalare greşită poate cauza daune persoanelor animalelorsaulucrurilor pentrucareconstructorul nu e responsa...

Page 4: Before installing the appliance ensure that it is delivered in perfect condition if in doubt con tact the supplier immediately Packing materials staples nails plastic bags polystyrene foam etc constitute a hazard and must be kept out of the reach of children If the appliance is installed inside or between cabinets ensure sufficient space for normal servicing therefore it is advisable to leave c...

Page 5: ...antee stable and efficient support for the generator The plugs standard supply are to be used only in conjunction with the mounting brackets or fixing template to fix the appliance to the wall they only ensure adequate support if inserted correctly ac cording to technical standards in walls made of solid or semi hollow brick or block In the case of walls made from hollow brick or block partitions ...

Page 6: ... output and to guarantee appliance efficiency technical specifications The coupling system must conform to standards Combustible gas quality The appliance has been designed to operate with gas free of impurities otherwiseitisadvisabletofitspecialfiltersupstream from the appliance to restore the purity of the gas Storage tanks in case of supply from LPG depot New LPG storage tanks may contain resid...

Page 7: current safety standards Important ImmergasS p A declinesanyresponsi bilityfordamageorphysicalinjurycausedbyfailure to connect the boiler to an efficient earth system or failure to comply with the reference standards Also ensure that the electrical installation corre spondstomaximumabsorbedpowerspecifications as shown on the boiler data plate The boilers are supplied complete with an X type pow...

Page 8: ...emp The chronothermostat is powered by two 1 5V LR 6 type alkaline batteries t JHJUBM 3FNPUF POUSPM FWJDF XJUI DMJNBUF chronothermostatfunction Fig 1 5 Inaddition to the functions described in the previous point the Digital Remote Control panel enables the user to control all the important information regarding operation of the appliance and the heating system with the opportunity of easily interv...

Page 9: ... standards set and the following modifications and integrations Evacuation of foul air In the rooms where the gas appliances are installed it may also be necessary as well as the intake of combustion agent air to evacuate foul air with consequent intake of a further equal amount of clean air This must be realised respecting the provisions of the technical regulations in force 1 6 FUME DUCTS The ga...

Page 10: ...nals must be installed on external perimeter walls of the building bepositionedaccordingtotheminimumdistan ces specified in current technical standards Fume exhaust of forced draught appliances in closedopen topenvironments Inspacesclosedon all sides with open tops ventilation pits courtyards etc direct fume exhaust is allowed for natural or forced draught gas appliances with a heating power range...

Page 11: ... values comply with those given in the manual parag 3 17 check the correct ventilation of the rooms check the existing draught during normal fun ctioning of the appliance e g a draught gauge positioned at the exit of the appliance combu stion products check that there is no backflow of combustion productsintotheroom evenduringfunctioning of fans ensure that the safety device is engaged in the even...

Page 12: ...screw the front cap and turn the motor shaft using a screwdriver Take great care during this operation to avoid damage to the motor 1 12 KITS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST t 4ZTUFN TIVU PČ WBMWFT LJU ćF CPJMFS JT EFTJH OFE GPS JOTUBMMBUJPO PG TZTUFN TIVUPČ WBMWFT UP be placed on delivery and return pipes of the connection assembly This kit is particularly useful for maintenance as it allows the boiler to b...

Page 13: ...lve 4 Domestic hot water flow switch 5 Combustion chamber 6 Fumes hood 7 Flue safety thermostat 8 Safety thermostat 9 Delivery probe 10 System expansion vessel 11 Vent valve 12 System pressure switch 13 Boiler pump 14 Manifold 15 3 bar safety valve 16 System draining valve 17 Rapid heat exchanger 18 Ignition and detection electrodes 19 Burner Legenda Obr 1 7 1 Plniaci kohút zariadenia 2 Úžitková s...

Page 14: ... required proceed as follows a drain the heating system if anti freeze is not used C TIVU PČ BMM FMFDUSJDBM XBUFS BOE HBT TVQQMJFT In the case of work or maintenance to structures located in the vicinity of ducting or devices for flue FYUSBDUJPO BOE SFMBUJWF BDDFTTPSJFT TXJUDI PČ UIF appliance and on completion of operations ensure that a qualified technician checks efficiency of the ducting or ot...

Page 15: ...ure the heating system is filled with water and that the manometer 7 indicates a pressure of 1 1 2 bar Open the gas cock upstream from the boiler Press key 2 and select the summer position or winter position of the boiler When in summer position the domestic hot water temperature is regulated by keys 3 4 When in winter position the system water temperature is regulated by keys 5 6 whilst the regul...

Page 16: ...lock by pressing the Reset key 1 If this phenomenon occurs frequently contact a qualified technician for assistance e g Immergas After sales Service FluethermostatinterventionIftheflueevacuation pipedoesnotworkproperlyduringfunctioning the flue thermostat intervenes by blocking the boiler code 03 yellow The boiler will automatically restartafter30minutesifnormalconditionsresume without having to b...

Page 17: ...water system cocks are closed and are not drawing and check also that there are no leaks in the system Once good conditions are restored in the domestic hot water system the boiler returns to normal functioning If this anomaly persists contact a qualified technician for assistance e g Immergas After Sales Technical Assistance Service Loss of Digital Remote Control communication This occurs 1 minut...

Page 18: of a prolonged absence the system must be drained completely or antifreeze substances must be added to the heating system water In both cases the boiler domestic hot water circuit must be drained In systems that are drained frequently filling must be carried out with suitably treated water to eliminate hardness that can cause lime scale 2 9 CASE CLEANING Use damp cloths and neutral detergent ...

Page 19: ...orrespond to those given in the handbook par 3 17 check activation of the safety device in the event of no gas as well as the relative activation time check activation of the main switch located upstream from the boiler check the existing draught during normal fun ctioning of the appliance e g a draught gauge positioned at the exit of the appliance combu stion products check that there is no backf...

Page 20: ... valve 6 Burner 7 Rapid heat exchanger 8 Fumes hood 9 Flue safety thermostat 10 System expansion vessel 11 Delivery probe 12 Safety thermostat 13 Vent valve 14 Boiler pump 15 System pressure switch 16 Adjustable by pass 17 3 bar safety valve 18 System filling valve G Gas supply AC Domestic hot water outlet AF Domestic cold water inlet R System return M System delivery Legenda Obr 3 1 1 Úžitková so...

Page 21: ...ce key S23 Heating temperature increase key S24 Heating temperature reduce key T1 Switch on transformer T2 Boiler board transformer U1 Rectifier inside the gas valve connector Only available on Honeywell gas valves X40 Room thermostat jumper Y1 Gas valve Y2 Gas valve modulator 1 User interface 2 N B The user interface is on the welding side of the boiler board 3 The X6 connector is used for automa...

Page 22: ... room ventilation point Presence of air in the system Check opening of the special automatic vent valve Fig 1 7 Make sure the system pressure and expansion vessel pre charge values are within the set limits the pre charge value for the expansion vessel must be 1 0 bar and system pressure between 1 and 1 2 bar Ignition block and Chimney block See par 2 5 and 1 3 electric connection Low water flow i...

Page 23: BEKVTUNFOU NVTU CF DBSSJFE PVU VTJOH B EJČFSFOUJBM U or digital type manometer connected to the gas valve outlet pressure point part 4 fig 3 3 keeping to the pressure value given in the table par 3 17 according to the type of gas for which the boiler is prepared 3 6 POSSIBLE ADJUSTMENTS t EKVTUNFOU PG CPJMFS OPNJOBM UIFSNBM IFBU PV tput Press the key to adjust the domestic hot wa ter temperatur...

Page 24: ...scribed below the boiler can be adapted according to specific needs To access the programming phase Fig 2 1 pro ceed as follows press keys 1 and 2 at the same time for ap proximately 15 seconds Using keys 3 and 4 select the parameter to be changed indicated in the following table List of pa rameters Description P0 Select solar panels P1 Select gas type P2 Select special G110 gas P3 Activate anti e...

Page 25: dard setting P1 Town Gas G110 Industrial gas The setting of this function is used to adjust the boiler in order to function with gases from the first family TownGasG110 Industrialgas firstfamilygas Range of values which can be set Parame ter on oF Standard setting P2 Anti Extruder function This function reduces the heating temperature to 57 C in the case that domestic hot water circulation is d...

Page 26: ... the presence of a heating request allows switch on of the boiler and power supply of the modulator with current equal to the value of the respective set value Minimum heat output Range of values which can be set Parame ter from 0 Imax to 63 Imax P5 Maximum heat output Range of values which can be set Parame ter from 0 Imax to 99 Imax Standard setting P6 Timer setting The boiler has an electronic ...

Page 27: ...n the heating phase The boiler is supplied as per standard with a timer adjusted at 3 minutes To adjust the timer values follow instructions for parameter settings by selecting parameter P7 and set it with one of the values indicated on the relative table 3 11 PUMP ANTI BLOCK FUNCTION In summer functioning mode the boiler has a function that starts the pump at least once every 24 hours for the dur...

Page 28: ... 5 Priză de presiune intrare supapă gaz 6 Înveliş de protecţie Key Fig 3 3 1 Coil 2 Minimum power adjustment nut 3 Maximum power adjustment nut 4 Gas valve outlet pressure point 5 Gas valve inlet pressure point 6 Protection hood Legenda Obr 3 3 1 Cievka 2 Matica nastavenia minimálneho výkonu 3 Matica nastavenia maximálneho výkonu 4 Zásuvka výstupného tlaku plynového ventilu 5 Zásuvka vstupného tla...

Page 29: ...92 RO SK IE 3 4 3 1 2 2 4 ...

Page 30: ...tion of the burner in do mestic hot water and heating phases Check correct functioning of control and adjustment devices and in particular the intervention of main electrical switch positioned outside of the boiler system control thermostat intervention domestic hot water control thermostat inter vention Check that the internal system is properly sealed according to specifications Check the interv...

Page 31: ...1 0 18060 2 44 11 19 114 1 1 82 22 09 225 3 1 79 28 75 293 2 20 0 17200 2 32 10 21 104 1 1 73 20 05 204 4 1 71 26 32 268 4 19 0 16340 2 21 9 28 94 6 1 65 18 12 184 8 1 62 24 00 244 7 18 0 15480 2 10 8 40 85 7 1 57 16 31 166 3 1 54 21 78 222 1 17 0 14620 1 99 7 57 77 2 1 48 14 60 148 9 1 46 19 65 200 4 16 0 13760 1 87 6 79 69 3 1 40 13 00 132 6 1 38 17 61 179 6 15 0 12900 1 76 6 06 61 7 1 31 11 50 ...

Page 32: ... s horákom Zap Vyp 2 1 1 05 Tepelné straty v komíne s horákom Zap Vyp 6 8 0 47 Max prevádzkový tlak vo vykurovacom okruhu bar 3 Max prevádzková teplota vo vykurovacom okruhu C 90 Nastaviteľná teplota vykurovania C 35 80 Celkový objem expanznej nádoby l 4 2 Tlak v expanznej nádobe bar 1 Objem vody v kotli l 0 7 Využiteľný výtlak pri prietoku 1000l h kPa m H2 O 37 8 3 85 Užitočný tepelný výkon pri o...

Page 33: ...ass flow of fumes at nominal power kg h 68 65 69 Mass flow of fumes at min power kg h 60 60 69 CO2 at Q Nom Min 5 35 1 80 6 50 2 10 6 10 1 80 CO at 0 of O2 at Nom Q Min ppm 79 86 151 100 95 137 NOX at 0 of O2 at Nom Q Min ppm 114 65 187 84 187 79 Temperature of fumes at nominal output C 101 106 102 Temperature of fumes at minimum output C 85 85 76 3 19 PARAMETRE SPAĽOVANIA G20 G30 G31 Priemer plyn...

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