15BError messages
109BList of errors
List of errors
Faulty content of the PLC mem-
ory, e.g.: program error in the
boot project
Switch off the unit
Press the left function key
and keep it pressed
Switch the unit on again
> Display can be read again
Release the function key
> PLC memory and boot pro-
ject are deleted irretrievably
Check the PLC program in
the PC and correct it
Store the PLC program in
the controllere and create as
boot project
Controllere does not display the
start screen after power-on:
> Text/graphics display blank
or not readable
> LEDs light / flash mazily
Electromagnetic incompatibility
Voltage supply does not
correspond to the AS-i rule?
Correct it
Grounding not according to
Correct it
Strong interference by
neighbouring machines?
If possible: change the loca-
Correct or screen interfering
The controllere does not react to
the button being pressed or only
with a long delay.
> Error messages R02 to R05
The cycle time of the PLC is >
300 ms. Other processes in the
controllere have priority.
Check and correct the PLC
The text/graphics display is
> Error message R16 appears.
AS-i supply voltage is < 18.2 V
Overload of the AS-i power
supply: too many slaves on
one AS-i bus
Distribute slaves to several
AS-i masters
Each AS-i master needs its
own power supply
When changing the address of
A/B slaves the controllere some-
times freezes in the "Wait" dis-
System error
Press [
] to leave the
menu item