Mash Bath
I N D U S T R I A L E Q U I P M E N T & C O N T R O L P T Y . L T D .
6 1 - 6 5 M c C l u r e S t . T h o r n b u r y . 3 0 7 1 M e l b o u r n e . A u s t r a l i a
T e l : 6 1 ( 0 ) 3 9 4 9 7 2 5 5 5 F a x : 6 1 ( 0 ) 3 9 4 9 7 2 1 6 6
E m a i l : i e c @ i e c p l . c o m . a u
M A S H B - 2 0 1 9 0 3 1 4 . d o c 1 4 - M a r - 1 9
2 9
Bath floods OR will not drain down its overflow.
Overflow drain hose from the machine kinked or blocked.
Overflow pipe set too high so that level is too high before overflowing down the
overflow pipe.
During overflow or filling at the end of some program cycles, mains water pressure
may be so high that tank is filling faster than it can drain over the overflow pipe.
Restrict water flow to the machine or reduce water pressure to the machine with a
pressure regulator.
Bath is the wrong temperature.
Faulty temperature sensor or disconnected. Check INFO1 display to see bath
sensor temperature in degrees. If sensor is open circuit, bath temperature will
appear very high or as a series of asterisks (“***”). Alarm should sound (several
short beeps with 1 minute time between beeps). The red LED on the control unit will
be ON steady. Any alarm fault will display in the SELECTION display and in the
PROGRAM RUN display.
Wrong program selected.
Faulty heater or a heater circuit breaker tripped.
Will not DRAIN at the end of a cycle:
Cycle not at the END step. The word END should appear on the display as the end
cooling cycle begins.
Program not set for that type of cooling end cycle sequence.
Drain hose kinked or blocked
Drain solenoid valve not opening. Blown fuse. (see earlier notes)
Will not REFILL after draining at end of cycle.
Cycle not at the END step (see previous note).
Program not set for that type of end cycle sequence.
Level switch in the tank faulty or stuck in high level position.
Tank fill solenoid valve not opening. Blown fuse. (see earlier notes).
Cycle will not START (cannot ENTER program run display):
Bath not full..
Distilled water tank not full (floor models only).
Program will not STEP:
Already on last step of the selected program.
Program in HALT mode. Program must be RUNNING for STEP to occur.
Program not IN CYCLE (small square symbol not flashing in display).