Mash Bath
I N D U S T R I A L E Q U I P M E N T & C O N T R O L P T Y . L T D .
6 1 - 6 5 M c C l u r e S t . T h o r n b u r y . 3 0 7 1 M e l b o u r n e . A u s t r a l i a
T e l : 6 1 ( 0 ) 3 9 4 9 7 2 5 5 5 F a x : 6 1 ( 0 ) 3 9 4 9 7 2 1 6 6
E m a i l : i e c @ i e c p l . c o m . a u
M A S H B - 2 0 1 9 0 3 1 4 . d o c 1 4 - M a r - 1 9
3 1
Distilled water tank wrong temperature.
Distilled water tank should follow the same temperature as the bath so the distilled
water is always matching the temperature of the sample pots. After the topup
volumes are dispensed (part way through the program), the d/w tank cools down for
the next program start and the temperature will not be the same as the bath.
Faulty or open circuit temperature sensor. This will show as an alarm – similar to the
bath sensor fault.
Faulty heater or heater circuit breaker tripped.
Wrong initial fill volume or no initial volume dispensed.
Initial dispense volume set into the wrong program step.
The initial fill volume
MUST always be set in step #1.
Manual dispensing set as ON. See D/W CONTROL display. If set ON, this volume
overrides the programmed volumes and is always dispensed. This setting can be
changed while the program is running.
Program not in the correct step (segment) for dispensing the desired volume. Look
at the screen to see volume to be dispensed in that program step.
Wrong top-up volume dispensed.
Wrong ADD volume set in the PLC program.
The ADD volume set in the wrong step. The d/w additional volume in mls and the
alert#2 must be programmed into the step that is just entered when the additional
volume is required (normally step#3).
Program not in the correct step (segment) for dispensing this volume.