Operational Description Of Zolar
Weep #1 Output
The purpose of the Weep #1 Output is to control a weep solenoid
to provide a trickle flow of water through the high pressure wand
during freeze conditions. The Weep #1 relay output is controlled
by the lower reading of Temperature Sensor #1 and Temperature
Sensor #2, where Temperature Sensor #2 is optional and will be
ignored if not installed. The use of two temperature sensors can
be used to ensure at least one of them will always be on the
shaded side of the carwash were solar heating is not present.
With the front panel Configuration Menu, you select temperature
values for Weep-Start and for Full-Weep. As shown in the
diagram to the right, above the Weep-Start temperature the relay
output will always be on, below the Full-Weep temperature the
relay output will always be off, and at temperatures in-between
the relay will have a duty cycle (over a 1 minute period) prorated
according to the temperature. (See also the Application Notes.)
Aux #1 Output
The Aux #1 Output can be configured to control equipment based on time, temperature or ambient light intensity. The
front panel Configuration Menu allows you to configure this output according to your needs. For temperature or light
control, the respective Z440TP Temperature Probe or Z440LP Light Probe is connected to the Sensor #2 terminals. If
time is selected to control Aux #1 Output, then the internal battery backed clock controls the output.
Slab Heat Control:
To prevent water from freezing on concrete slabs, the Aux #1 Output can be used to control a
contactor/pump system to circulate a warm antifreeze solution through pipes embedded in the slab. The front panel
Configuration Menu allows you to set a temperature threshold and gives you a choice of having the output relay turn
On-If-Hot or On-If-Cold. Most prefer to use On-If-Cold with the N.O. contacts for this application.
External Light Control:
To turn on your external lighting at dusk, and turn it back off at dawn, connect the Z440LP
Light Probe to Sensor #2 terminals and use the front panel Configuration Menu to configure Aux #1 Output for control
by Light. The Light Probe will ensure that lights are turned on and off as needed no matter what time of year it is or
how thick the clouds are. See the Light Probe Application Note for useful information in using this function.
Time Of Day Control:
Equipment, such as an office air conditioner or a bill changer, can be turned on and off at a
specific time of day. This may allow you to save electricity when nobody is in the office, or disable certain functions
late at night when they may be susceptible to vandalism. The front panel Configuration Menu panel allows you to select
the time for Turn-On and the time for Turn-Off.
Weep #2 Output - Optional
The Weep #2 Output operates exactly the same as Weep #1 Output, but is controlled by its respective Menu settings and
Sensor Input #3 and optionally Sensor Input #4.
Aux #2 Output - Optional
The Aux #2 Output operates exactly the same as Aux #1 Output, but is controlled by its respective Menu settings and
Sensor Input #4 if temperature or light is selected for its control.
Auto Dialer Output
The Auto Dialer Output is activated for 15 seconds after the temperature first exceeds the upper or lower bounds set via
the Configuration Menu for any of the four possible temperature sensors that may be installed. The Auto Dialer Output
will also activate following a power outage. To avoid repeated nuisance calls for the same problem, once activated, it
will not re-activate until all trigger sources have maintained a clear state for at least one continuous hour. Wiring
information will be provided with the Auto Dialer when purchased from IDX.
Foam Blower Output
The Foam Blower output is controlled by the lower reading of Temperature Sensor #1 and #3, where Temperature
Sensor #3 is optional and will be ignored if not installed. Its threshold is set via the Configuration Menu. The Foam
Blower Output connects to the Zolar Input on the FB880 Foam Blower. See the FB880 manual for more information.
Zolar Weep Duty Cycle
Degrees Fahrenheit
t D
Relay On
Relay Off