Time Controller Series User Manual
Section 8: Time Controller Configuration
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Figure 28: Generator state mechanism
Record (REC)
The RECord block is a special case of a Generator block, which work exactly as the other 8
GENerators, with two differences:
The RECord block is linked to the HIST and RAW enable link, to control their acquisition time.
The command set includes two additional commands (section 9.2.7).
Combiner (TSCO)
This consists of four linkable block inputs:
FIRst and SECond are the two main block inputs. The output of the TSCO gives the result of a
logical operation between these two ports. The available logical operations are AND, OR,
ONLYFIR (transmit only the data coming to FIRst), ONLYSEC (transmit only the data coming to
SECond) and MUTE (nothing comes out). These 2 ports can be connected to any blocks from
level n-1 and n-2.
BEGIn and END are the two block inputs defining the window over which the TSCO operates
on FIRst and SECond. The window begins when a signal arrives in the BEGIn port and ends
when a signal arrives in the END port. Both beginning and end of the windows can be delayed
by a desired value. OPIN defines the logical operation inside the windows and OPOUT defines
the operation outside the window. These 2 ports can be connected to any blocks from level
n-1 and n-2.