Time Controller Series User Manual
Section 6: Operating the Time Controller Software
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The data in the two histograms in the Coincidence histogram view is not saved directly.
Rather, the data is saved as two pairs of histograms, and in later post-processing the
time bins in the conjugate histograms must be inverted manually.
The third tab in the Time-to-digital converter workspace allows you to view the single detector-
channel count rates, or the double-, triple- or quadruple-coincidence count rates.
To view the count rates for a single channel, at the top of the Counters view select the check-box
next to ‘Start’, ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’ or ‘4’ as appropriate, and specify the duration for each measurement in the
‘Integration window’ field.
To view coincident count rates, the channels of interest are separated by a forward slash. For
example, select ‘1/2’ for double
detector coincidences between channel 1 and 2, or ‘1/3/4’ for
detector coincidences between channels 1, 3 and 4, or ‘1/2/3/4’ for quadruple coincidences
on input channels 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Figure 11: Counters view
When viewing coincident count rates, specify the time window in which detection events are
considered simultaneous
in the ‘Coincidence window’ field.
Delay / pattern generator
The Delay / pattern generator workspace allows you to control the four output channels and four of
the internal signal generators.
See Section 6.2.3
Configuring Output Channels
” for instructions on how to configure the