Time Controller Series User Manual
Section 7: Multi-Device Operation
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T +41 22 301 83 71
Rue Eugène-Marziano 25
F +41 22 301 83 79
Execute Multi-Device Acquisition
As a precaution, restart all Time Controllers before you run the multi-device acquisition.
The Time Controller calibration is altered when:
It loses its SYNC signal (either because the IN cable is disconnected or when the
Time Controller which provides the SYNC signal is turned off).
Its configuration is switched between an external SYNC to the internal SYNC.
At this point, the device needs to be restarted to calibrate itself properly again.
With an acquisition configuration file correctly prepared (see Section 7.4
Configuration File), the Time Controller software and firmware updated as appropriate (see
Section 7.1
Up-to-date Software), and the supporting scripts stored on the host computer (see
Section 7.2
Supporting Scripts) it is now possible to perform multi-device acquisition using the
timestamp_acquisition_multi_tc.py script.
The acquisition is executed through the timestamp_acquisition_multi_tc.py script in a command line
interface. Open any command line console (such as cmd.exe) in the script
directory and run the
following command to print the available options, also detailed here below:
python3 timestamp_acquisition_multi_tc.py --help
py timestamp_acquisition_multi_tc.py --help
> cd C:\Users\
multi-tc script dir>
multi-tc script dir>
>py timestamp_acquisition_multi_tc.py --help
usage: timestamp_acquisition_multi_tc.py [-h] [--conf file] [--datalink-dir
path] [--output-dir path] [--duration seconds] [--log path] [-v] [-n N]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--conf file acquisition description file (default: config.json)
--datalink-dir path DataLinkTargetService.exe folder
--output-dir path output folder
--duration seconds acquisition duration (default: 5)
--log path log file (default: timestamp_acquisition_multi_tc.log)
-v, --verbose
-n N, --repeat N repeat measurements N times