I8094A &I8094HGetting Started manual
Ver 1.3-- 23
EMG SW: The EMG signals for motor axes
The emergency stop signal for each servo ampilfier can be selected from EMG SW. The
number 1, 2 , 3, 4 on EMG SW are denoted as axis X, Y, Z, U, respectively. Fig. 2.7 is the
default setting to connect the EMG singals to GND. The EMG signals from CN1 ~ CN4 will not
take effect. If the switch is disconnected as shown in Fig. 2.8, the emergency stop signals can
be controlled from EMG signals in CON6.
Fig. 2.7 EMG SW setting for normally GND (Default setting)
Fig. 2.8 EMG SW setting for user controlled signals.