As the next step in this exercise, let’s assume you have to move the IC16A 10 feet further away from the audience area
and up 20 feet in height. Change the Position [ft] parameters to read X = -10 and Y = 26.46 and reaim the two lobes. Press
to initiate the change.
As you can see, there is no way to get smooth coverage from this mounting location with just two beams. Switch to 6 lobes
and try again. Notice how the coverage is much smoother. You probably also noticed that with the array placed at this
height, you cannot get good coverage on the front of the audience area. You will either need to add front fill loudspeakers
or lower the column. The following screen shows what can be accomplished with the column lowered to 15 feet and the
beam aiming and levels adjusted.
Notice that the SPL levels dropped significantly. The more lobes you use the lower the level of each lobe. Spacing the
beam’s acoustical centers further apart will produce higher overall SPL levels than placing all the acoustical centers at the
same spot. Be aware that moving the acoustical centers of the multiple lobes apart affects the signals coherency and
degrades the sound. It’s best to keep them close together in systems like this.
Owners Manual