The Audio Cable is a conventional twisted-pair shielded audio cable. It terminates in a 3-pin Phoenix connec-
tor and loops from column to column; looping Phoenix connectors are provided on each column. 1.0 V is required for rated
power output. The column’s input impedance is 10,000 Ohms balanced.
Since the Iconyx digital network uses a RS422 serial line for control, a USB to RS422 converter/adapter
(Renkus-Heinz SETUP-IC) is needed to connect your computers USB output to RS422. The USB to RS422 convert-
er/adapter terminates in a 9-pin DB-9 connector. Each module provides a DB-9 connector plus a “looping’ 7-pin Phoenix
connector. Note that if you are using another USB to RS422 converter/adapter, it must have a communications
speed of at least 9600 baud.
The Iconyx Software CD you received with your Steerable Column Loudspeaker includes the driver needed by the USB to
RS422 adapter plus 2 software programs that need to be installed on your computer. These are:
1. BeamWare 2
BeamWare 2 is used to design the beam’s shape and aiming and develop the FIR filters that control the beam’s
shape and aiming. It is also used to identify the arrays used in the system and to install in them the FIR filters that control
their aiming.
2. Canvas
Canvas is used to adjust (fine tune) the level and EQ settings of the individual column arrays to optimize their
performance. It is especially useful in multi-column distributed systems for balancing levels during final commissioning.
Inserting the Iconyx Software CD into the computer’s CD-ROM drive will open the splash (menu) screen shown below.
Owners Manual