The LINK™ Family Manual
Version 1.6 ©iButtonLink, LLC 2016
Page 52
19,200 Baud Serial Port Data Rate
Command “ , ” (comma)
Command Compatible With:
Link | LinkHub-S | LinkOEM | LinkUSB
The host terminal will be required to switch to 19,200 baud before it can communicate with the
LINK device further.
This command switches the LINK device to the 19,200 baud serial port data rate. When a break
condition is detected, the device will reset to the 9,600 baud data rate. Sending the “ ^ ”
command followed by more 9,600 baud data will often cause the device to reset and the speed to
return to 9,600 baud.
The 1-Wire® bus with relaxed timing for long lines can only process bits at a rate of
about 14,000 bits per second (bps). If a user sends characters to the LINK faster than the 1-
Wire® protocol rate, the device will drop characters and cause errors. Streaming bytes using the
“b” command will fail if the baud rate is set to more than 19,200 because the host will overrun
the 1-Wire® bus. When the baud rate is set to a value greater than 19,200 bps, the host
commands must be passed to assure than the 1-Wire® bus is not overrun.