The LINK™ Family Manual
Version 1.6 ©iButtonLink, LLC 2016
Page 28
Command “ f ” (lowercase F)
Command Compatible With:
Link | LinkHub-S | LinkHub-E | LinkOEM |
This command performs a 1-Wire® bus “first” operation for some LINK
devices. This
operation searches the bus and finds the first 1-Wire® or iButton® device and displays the
device serial number prefixed with a single character to indicate if there are more (“ + ”) or no
more (“ - ”) parts remaining to be found. Figure 10 shows an example on the LinkUSB. When no
more devices are found, the command will display the serial number of the first device found.
For The Link and The LinkUSB,
if locator reporting is turned on, the device serial number
should be followed by a comma and the serial number of the LinkLocator associated with the 1-
Wire® device.
“ n ” – Next
“ \f ” – Family Search First
“ $ ” – Scanning Mode
+, 8000000202214928
+, 8000000202214928
-, 9A00000208AC5528
Figure 10: Command " f " displaying that there is
another device found, indicated by "+"
Figure 11: Command "f" showing that there is another device found after the
first search, indicated by the “ + ”. Then, command “n” is used in ordert to
bring up the next device found. After this device, there are no other devices
on the bus, indicated by the “ – “.