August 15, 2017
© Copyright IBM Corporation, 2017 Page 18 of 117
Decide on Management Class construct name(s)
As part of the plan for using the copy export function, you need to decide on at least one Management
Class construct name. It is suggested that the name be meaningful and perhaps relate to the type of data
to reside on the pool or the location the data is to be sent. For example, if the pool is to be used to send
data to the primary disaster recovery site in Atlanta, a name like “MCPRIATL” could be used. “MC” for
management class, “PRI” indicates it is for the primary recovery site and “ATL” indicates Atlanta. Up to
an eight character name can be defined.
Define the Management Class names to DFSMS and the TS7700
Once the management class names are selected, the names must be defined to DFSMS and to the
TS7700. The following descriptions cover the basics and do not necessarily cover all the options that
may be available. For DFSMS, refer to the
z/OS DFSMSdfp Storage Administration Reference
, SC26-
7402. For the library manager on systems running pre 8.5.x.x code, refer to the
IBM TotalStorage 3494
Tape Library Operator Guide
, GA32-0449 or the
IBM 3953 Library Manager Model L05 Operators
, GA32-0558. The IBM Redbook,
IBM System Storage Virtualization Engine TS7700: Tape
Virtualization for System z Servers
, SG24-7312, is another good source for information on setting up a
TS7700 implementation.
For DFSMS, the following steps are used to define each Management Class name:
Begin by selecting the
Management Class
option from the ISMF Primary Option Menu for storage
administrators panel.
On the Management Class Application Selection panel:
Enter the
CDS Name
(control data set) you are using for the DFSMS system.
Enter a one to eight-character alphanumeric name in the
Management Class Name
Select -
3. Define
and press enter
On the Management Class Define panels:
Optionally enter a description for the management class name in the
field on the
first panel.
Accept the defaults for all settings. Press enter to move through the five definition panels.
None of the settings are actually used for system managed tape. All settings associated with a
management class name are defined through the TS7700 or on the library manager for pre 8.5.x.x
code levels, not the DFSMS panels.
The steps used on the TS7700 to define each Management Class name and to associate a specific pool
with the name can be found in Appendix A – Management Class Definition for systems running 8.30.x.x
or higher code, Appendix B – Management Class Definition for systems running from 8.5.x.x to
8.21.x.x or higher code and Appendix C – Management Class Definition for pre 8.5.x.x systems.
Define the volser ranges for the 3592 media
You must define the volser range(s) for the physical volumes that are to be used by the TS7700. As part
of the definition, you can optionally associate a specific range of physical volumes with a pool. If you
do not specifically associate physical volumes with a pool, you will need to enable the pool to borrow as
needed from the common scratch pool (pool 0).