August 15, 2017
© Copyright IBM Corporation, 2017 Page 5 of 117
Version 1.3
Updates to the section describing reclamation of offsite copy exported volume have been made to
add the timing considerations for host console requested reclaims and for messages related to those
The descriptions for ‘MB written when full” and “Percent Utilized” fields in the export status file for
physical export volumes has been clarified to indicate that they are rounded up to the nearest unit.
Adds a description of how a copy exported volume is handled if the I/O station is full and the ‘Eject’
option has been specified.
Adds an additional item in the copy export considerations section about the I/O station.
Version 1.4
New export status codes have been added to cover how the change in how a recall failure on a
primary pool volume causes the logical volume on the secondary volume to become the sole
accessible copy of the volume.
The case where the I/O station is full and the ‘Eject’ option is specified is handled differently after
this version level.
For code levels of 8.5.x.x or higher, the library manager function has been integrated into the
Version 1.5
Add E06 as a valid recording format
Version 1.6
Clarify need for physical scratch on recovery machine regardless of whether running in test mode or
doing an actual recovery
Version 1.6.1
Change the limit of the number of copy exported physical volumes per TS7700
Clarify copy export behavior
Version 1.7
Add reference to new process available to use copy export tapes to recover a node within a grid.
Tapes that are physically in the library in the copy export hold state and go empty are available for
Increase the minimum number of scratch volumes required for copy export recovery.
Version 2.0
Introduction of E07 drives and JK/JC media.
Customers that have E07 drives can choose to write copy export physical volumes in either 3592
E06 or E07 recording format.
Clarify requirements for feature code 5270 on the DR machine
Add pre-cautions of modifying the reclaim pool for a pool designated as a copy export pool.
Modified the setting of maximum filling devices when setting up pools.
Version 2.1
Introduction of copy export acceleration which reduces the number of export tapes containing a
database backup
Introduction of copy export merge as a service offering. An enhancement of the current copy export
all function allowing the data to be restored into an existing TS7740.