August 15, 2017
© Copyright IBM Corporation, 2017 Page 55 of 117
Performing Copy-Export Recovery
Hopefully, the primary reason to perform the copy export recovery process is as part of a disaster recovery
test. The recovery process, by default, assumes the reason for its execution is for test and allows the
secondary logical volumes that are on the copy exported stacked volumes to be accessed without the
TS7700 attempting to copy logical volumes to follow differences between the pool values in the database
and the current definitions for storage group and management class constructs associated with the volumes.
In addition, reclamation is suspended so that the data on the copy exported physical volumes are not
modified or moved during the test. If the recovery process is part of a real disaster recovery, then an option
is provided to have the TS7700 follow the normal storage management processes defined by the storage
management constructs and also reclaim physical volumes as they become eligible. You select the option to
run copy export recovery for testing through the management interface (MI) panel that initiates the recovery
To recover access to the data exported with copy export, an empty TS7700 attached to a library with
sufficient physical space to contain all of the physical volumes exported from the source TS7700 is
required. The physical tape drives must be compatible with the source TS7700, including encryption. The
exported volumes can be from more than one pool in the source TS7700, but only the data from one source
TS7700 can be restored at a time. If the recovery TS7700 contains any data (which could be from a previous
test), a separate pass through the recovery process will be required to delete any data as well as database
records in the TS7700 and the associated library manager partition.
The copy export recovery operation is initiated through the management interface on the TS7700. In the
following steps, it is assumed that the recovery TS7700 does contains data from a previous usage for
recovery or other testing. If it does not contain any data, the steps would begin with step 7.
In the following steps, only the specific portion of the management interface window relating to the
step is shown.
Do not add the copy exported physical volumes into the library until instructed to during the recovery
process. Do not add scratch physical volumes into the library until the copy export recovery has completed
and the recovery TS7700 is ready to be brought online to the attached hosts.
1. With the TS7700 and library in its online state, but with all virtual tape drives varied offline to any
attached hosts, login to the management interface and then select
Copy Export Recovery
code level 8.30.x.x or higher) or
Copy Export Recovery
from the
Service & Troubleshooting
(at code
level from 8.5.x.x to 8.21.x.x) menu as shown below: