August 15, 2017
© Copyright IBM Corporation, 2017 Page 111 of 117
Manage Storage Pool Properties
Begin by selecting
Manage storage pool properties
from the
Administer VTS x
(where x is the
TS7700 you are using) menu. Then click on the pool to be modified. This will then display the
Stacked Volume Pool Properties
panel or the pool as shown below.
To modify pool properties
1. Select Copy Export through the
Export Pool
You will not be able to change this pool setting if the pool has already been associated with a
storage group name. Associating a pool with a storage group name makes that pool a primary
storage pool and a primary storage pool cannot be use for a copy export pool.
2. Select a
Borrow Indicator.
The setting defines if the pool borrows physical volumes from the
common scratch pool (Pool 00) and whether they are returned to the common scratch pool when
reclaimed. For this example, the pool will not borrow and will keep all volumes assigned to it.
3. Select the
1st & 2nd Media
to be borrowed/returned from/to the common scratch pool (if
borrow was indicated).
4. Select the
Reclaim Pool.
The default is to the same pool. If the reclaim pool is modified, copy
export disaster recovery capabilities can be compromised. If there is a need to modify the reclaim
pool designated for the copy export pool, the reclaim pool
be set to the same value as the
primary pool or the reclaim pool designated for the primary pool. If the reclaim pool for the copy
export pool is the same as either of the other two pools mentioned, then primary and backup copies
of a logical volume may exist on the same physical media. If the reclaim pool for the copy export
pool is modified, it is the customer's responsibility to copy export volumes from the reclaim pool.
5. Select the
Maximum Devices.
Leave at the default of All Devices unless you want to limit the
number of drives that will be used for copying data from the cache to physical volumes. This setting
specifies how many physical devices the TS7700 may use concurrently when copying data from
cache to the pool. If you set the default or a large value here, you may have many copy exported
physical volumes with small amount of data on each. A value of 1 minimizes the number of physical
volumes used for copy export, but the time to copy data from cache will take longer. The best value