August 15, 2017
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Place all of the copy exported physical volumes from the same source TS7700 into a library attached to
an empty TS7700. See the section on
Planning and Considerations for the Recovery TS7700 and
Execute Copy Export Recovery. This is a selection through the recovery TS7700’s management
interface. A key piece of information to provide is the volume serial number of one of the last copy
exported physical volumes on which database backup of the source TS7700 is recorded. The recovery
TS7700 will use the database backup on that volume as part of the recovery process. See the section on
Performing Copy-Export Recovery
There are many sources for this volume serial number, including the last export list file volume’s
status file, on the library manager logs of the source library for systems running pre 8.5.x.x code, or host
console logs of the source host. For systems running 8.21.x.x or higher, not all volumes will contain a
valid database backup that can be used for recovery. See section on
Export Status File Records –
Physical Export Volumes
Monitor the progress of the recovery through the management interface.
Restore the host environment. This can be performed in parallel with the copy export recovery
operation. See the section on
Restoring the Host Environment and Library Environment
After the recovery completes, only the secondary copy of data exists for systems at R1.5 or higher. On
pre 1.5 systems only a primary copy of volumes exists after recovery. To create a new
primary/secondary copy of data ready for production refer to the section Creating a New
Primary/Secondary Copy After Disaster Recovery.
Once the copy export recovery operation has completed, you can vary the TS7700s virtual drives online
to the host and resume processing.
If you plan on writing data to the recovered TS7700, you will need to insert logical volumes to be used
as scratch volumes.
You will need to add scratch physical volumes to the recovery TS7700 even if you are only planning on
reading data. A minimum of 2 scratch volumes per defined pool in the TS7700 is needed to prevent the
TS7700 from entering the out of scratch state. In addition, a minimum of 3 scratch volumes are required
for pool 0. In the out of scratch state, logical volume mounts are not allowed.
To manage the Copy Exported Physical Volumes:
There is a default
limit of 2000 copy exported physical volumes per TS7700. Prior to performing the
operation, it is a good idea to see how many volumes have already been exported. You can use the
Library Request host console command to view the number of copy exported volumes by pool in a
specific library. See the sub-section on
Pre-execution Checking
in the section on
Copy Export
. At code release level R1.6 and higher, the limit can be changed through the management
interface (Service & Troubleshooting > Copy Export Settings). The value can be adjusted to a
maximum of 10000.
From time to time, you will want to bring back copy exported volumes that no longer have any valid
data on them from the offsite location for reuse. You can find out how much active data is on copy
exported physical volume by using the Physical Volume Status function of the Bulk Volume
Information Request function. See the section on
Checking the Status of Copy Exported Physical
. Even if the Physical Volume Status reports some emptied copy exported volumes, you should
not bring back them to the library until you execute next copy export. Because DB backup written at