Introduction to Tasks and Service Aids
Display Hardware Error Report
This service aid provides a tool for viewing the hardware error log and performing error log
analysis. It uses the errpt command to do this.
The Display Error Summary and Display Error Detail selection provide the same type of
report as the errpt command. The Display Error Analysis Summary and Display Error
Analysis Detail selection provide additional analysis.
Display or Change Electronic Mode Switch
This service aid is unique to the SMP system units and displays the states of the Physical
and Electronic Keys. It also allows the electronic keys to be set.
ESCON Bit Error Rate Service Aid
This service aid is used to check the bit error rate for an ESCON adapter to assure that the
link to the host system is functioning properly. To run the ESCON Bit Error Rate Service Aid,
the adapter must be connected, configured, and on–line. If the adapter is not configured
properly, the service aid will not be able to check the bit error rate.
Local Area Network Analyzer
This service aid and task are used to exercise the LAN communications adapters
(Token–Ring, Ethernet, and Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI)). The following services
are available:
Connectivity testing between two network stations. Data is transferred between the two
stations. This requires the user to input the Internet Addresses of both stations.
Monitoring ring (Token–Ring only). The ring is monitored for a period of time. Soft and
hard errors are analyzed.