Operator Guide
Download Microcode
This selection provides a way to copy device microcode to a device. It is used to update the
microcode on a device. It presents a list of devices that use microcode. The device on
which the microcode is to be installed is selected. The service aid will instruct the user on its
This task may be run directly from the AIX command line. The following usage statement
describes the syntax of the command:
diag –c –d <deviceName> –T ”download [–s diskette] [–l previous]
[–t* boot] [–F]”
microcode source. /etc/microcode is default.
microcode level. latest is default.
microcode type. functional is default.
applies to ascsi devices only.
Force flag. Required to download microcode if the current level is
unavailable on the source.
Multi–processor Service Aid (Display or Change
Multi–processor Configuration Task)
This service aids is unique to the SMP system units and provides the following functions:
Display or Change Processor States
This function displays or changes the state of available processors.
Bind Process
This function provides a tool for binding a process and all its threads to a specified
Periodic Diagnostics
This service aid provides a tool for configuring periodic diagnostics and automatic error log
analysis. A hardware resource can be chosen to be tested once a day, at a user specified
time. If the resource can not be tested because it is busy, error log analysis will be
performed. Hardware errors logged against a resource can also be monitored by enabling
Automatic Error Log Analysis. This will allow error log analysis to be performed every time a
hardware error is put into the error log. If a problem is detected, a message will be posted to
the system console and a mail message sent to the user(s) belonging to the system group
with information about the failure such as Service Request Number.
The service aid provides the following functions:
Add or delete a resource to the periodic test list
Modify the time to test a resource
Display the periodic test list
Modify the error notification mailing list
Disable or Enable Automatic Error Log Analysis