Introduction to Tasks and Service Aids
7135 RAIDiant Array Service Aid
The 7135 RAIDiant Array service aids contain the following functions:
Certify LUN
This selection reads and checks each block of data in the LUN. If excessive errors are
encountered the user will be notified.
Certify Spare Physical Disk
This selection allows the user to certify (check the integrity of the data) on drives
designated as spares.
Format Physical Disk
This selection is used to format a selected disk drive.
Array Controller Microcode Download
This selection allows the microcode on the 7135 controller to be updated when required.
Physical Disk Microcode Download
This selection is used to update the microcode on any of the disk drives in the array.
This selection is used to update the contents of the EEPROM on a selected controller.
Replace Controller
Use this selection when it is necessary to replace a controller in the array.
This service aid may be run directly from the AIX command line. The following usage
statement describes the syntax of the command:
diag –c –d <device name> –T”option parameters”
Adapter Microcode Download –
”download [–B][–D][–P]”
Download boot block microcode (default to functional microcode)
Microcode is on diskette (default to /etc/microcode directory)
Download the previous level of microcode (default to latest level)
Physical Disk Microcode Download –
”download –l <ChId> [–D][–P]”
Physical disk channel/ID (i.e. 27)
Microcode is on diskette (default to /etc/microcode directory)
Download the previous level of microcode (default to latest level)
Physical Disk Format –
”format –l <ChId>
Physical disk channel/ID (i.e. 27)
Physical Disk Certify –
”certify –l <ChId>
Physical disk channel/ID (i.e. 23)
Physical Disk Identify – ”identify”
7318 Serial Communications Network Server Service Aid
This service aid provides a tool for diagnosing terminal server problems.