• To list SELs remotely over the LAN, use the following command:
ipmitool -I lanplus -U <username> -P <password> -H <BMC IP addres or BMC hostname> sel
2. Identify all SELs with the value
OEM record df
and Transition to Non-recoverable in the
description. Did you find one or more SELs with the value
OEM record df
and Transition to Non-
recoverable in the description?
Continue with the next step.
Go to “Contacting IBM service and support” on page 61. This ends the procedure.
3. For each of the SELs that you identified in step “2” on page 52, determine the sensor name that is
associated with each SEL. Replace the following items, one at a time, until the problem is resolved:
• If your system is a 5104-22C or 9006-22C, go to “5104-22C or 9006-22C locations” on page 63 to
identify the physical location and removal and replacement procedure.
• If your system is a 9006-12P, go to “9006-12P locations” on page 75 to identify the physical
location and the removal and replacement procedure.
• If your system is a 9006-22P, go to “9006-22P locations” on page 91 to identify the physical
location and the removal and replacement procedure.
• If the sensor name is Membuf Func x, replace the system backplane.
• If the sensor name is P1-DIMMA1 Func, replace P1-DIMMA1. If the sensor name is P1-DIMMA2
Func, replace P1-DIMMA2. And so on.
Does the problem persist?
If you have not already done so, replace the system backplane. If the replacement of
the system backplane does not resolve the problem, go to “Contacting IBM service
and support” on page 61. This ends the procedure.
This ends the procedure.
EPUB_PRC_LVL_SUPPORT isolation procedure
Contact your next level of support for assistance.
About this task
Go to “Contacting IBM service and support” on page 61.
Memory DIMMs are plugged in a configuration that is not valid.
EPUB_PRC_FSI_PATH isolation procedure
The system detected an error with the FSI path.
About this task
Use the following table to determine the service action:
52 Power Systems: Problem analysis, system parts, and locations for the 5104-22C, 9006-12P, 9006-22C, and