The safety of the device may be compromised, if, for example:
Malfunctions occur.
The housing of the device shows damage.
The device has been subjected to excessive loads.
The device has been stored improperly.
Markings or labels on the device are illegible.
It is recommended that a device which shows or which is suspected of faults
and damages is returned
i.safe MOBILE GmbH
for inspection.
Use of this device assumes that the operator observes the conventional safety
regulations and has read and understood manual, safety instructions and certifi cate.
The following safety regulations must also be complied with:
Inside ex-hazardous areas the covers of the interfaces and the rear cover have
to be closed.
To ensure the IP protection, it has to be ensured that all gaskets are present
and functional. There must be no large gap between the two halves of the housing.
The device may only be charged outside ex-hazardous areas using the appropriate
charger or other equipment approved by
i.safe MOBILE GmbH
The device is supporting inductive charging.
The device may be charged only at temperatures in between 5°C … 35°C.
The device must not be exposed to abrasive acids or bases.
The device must not be taken into zones 0, 1, 20 or 21.
Only accessories approved by
i.safe MOBILE GmbH
may be used.
Do not touch the screen of the device with sharp objects. Dust particles and nails may
scratch the screen. Please maintain the screen clean. Remove dust on the screen with
a soft cloth gently, and do not scratch the screen.
Charge the device under indoor conditions only.
Do not put the device in environments with excessive temperatures, as this could lead
to heating of the battery, resulting in fi re or explosion.
Do not charge the device near any fl ammable or explosive substances.
Do not charge the device in environments with much dust, humidity, or excessively
high or low temperatures (the permitted charging temperature range is 5 … 35°C).
Do not use the device in areas where regulations or legislatives prohibit the use.
Do not expose the device or charger to strong magnetic fi elds, such as are emitted
from induction ovens or microwaves.
Do not attempt to open or repair the device. Improper repair or opening can lead to
the destruction of the device, fi re or explosion. Only authorized personnel are allowed
to repair the device.
Only use accessories approved by
i.safe MOBILE GmbH
The safety of the device may be compromised, if, for example:
Malfunctions occur.
The housing of the device shows damage.
The housing of the device shows damage.
The device has been subjected to excessive loads.
The device has been subjected to excessive loads.
The device has been stored improperly.
The device has been stored improperly.
Markings or labels on the device are illegible.
Markings or labels on the device are illegible.
It is recommended that a device which shows or which is suspected of faults
and damages is returned
i.safe MOBILE GmbH
for inspection.
Use of this device assumes that the operator observes the conventional safety
regulations and has read and understood manual, safety instructions and certifi cate.
The following safety regulations must also be complied with:
Inside ex-hazardous areas the covers of the interfaces and the rear cover have
to be closed.
To ensure the IP protection, it has to be ensured that all gaskets are present
and functional. There must be no large gap between the two halves of the housing.
The device may only be charged outside ex-hazardous areas using the appropriate
charger or other equipment approved by
i.safe MOBILE GmbH
The device is supporting inductive charging.
The device is supporting inductive charging.
The device may be charged only at temperatures in between 5°C … 35°C.
The device must not be exposed to abrasive acids or bases.
The device must not be taken into zones 0, 1, 20 or 21.
Only accessories approved by
i.safe MOBILE GmbH
may be used.
Do not touch the screen of the device with sharp objects. Dust particles and nails may
scratch the screen. Please maintain the screen clean. Remove dust on the screen with
scratch the screen. Please maintain the screen clean. Remove dust on the screen with
a soft cloth gently, and do not scratch the screen.
Charge the device under indoor conditions only.
Charge the device under indoor conditions only.
Do not put the device in environments with excessive temperatures, as this could lead
Do not put the device in environments with excessive temperatures, as this could lead
Do not put the device in environments with excessive temperatures, as this could lead
to heating of the battery, resulting in fi re or explosion.
Do not charge the device near any fl ammable or explosive substances.
Do not charge the device near any fl ammable or explosive substances.
Do not charge the device in environments with much dust, humidity, or excessively
Do not charge the device in environments with much dust, humidity, or excessively
Do not charge the device in environments with much dust, humidity, or excessively
high or low temperatures (the permitted charging temperature range is 5 … 35°C).
high or low temperatures (the permitted charging temperature range is 5 … 35°C).
Do not use the device in areas where regulations or legislatives prohibit the use.
Do not use the device in areas where regulations or legislatives prohibit the use.
Do not use the device in areas where regulations or legislatives prohibit the use.
Do not expose the device or charger to strong magnetic fi elds, such as are emitted
Do not expose the device or charger to strong magnetic fi elds, such as are emitted
Do not expose the device or charger to strong magnetic fi elds, such as are emitted
from induction ovens or microwaves.
Do not attempt to open or repair the device. Improper repair or opening can lead to
Do not attempt to open or repair the device. Improper repair or opening can lead to
Do not attempt to open or repair the device. Improper repair or opening can lead to
the destruction of the device, fi re or explosion. Only authorized personnel are allowed
the destruction of the device, fi re or explosion. Only authorized personnel are allowed
the destruction of the device, fi re or explosion. Only authorized personnel are allowed
to repair the device.
Only use accessories approved by
Only use accessories approved by
i.safe MOBILE GmbH