In actual use the run time of the device varies with the network status, working
environment and usage.
When the power of the battery is lower than normal, the device will prompt you to
charge it. Please charge the battery; otherwise you may lose any fi les which are not
saved. If you do not charge for a long time, the device will be powered off automatically.
The device may only be charged at ambient temperatures in a range from 5°C … 35°C.
Please do not use charging equipment if the temperature exceeds this range.
The device features two micro SIM card slots. The slots are accessible by
removing the cover of the card compartment at the back of the device.
If you have installed two SIM cards, you can choose your primary card
<Settings> <SIM cards>
Do only change the SIM card when the device is switched off .
Do not try to insert or remove the SIM cards when any external power supply
is connected, otherwise the SIM card may be damaged.
The device features a microSD card slot. The slot is accessible by removing the cover
of the card compartment at the back of the device. If the SD card is not recognized,
a reboot must take place, this can be started by holding down the ON/OFF key for
approx. 15 sec.
If you want to remove the micro SD card, please make sure that the card is not in use
by the device by selecting:
<Settings> <Storage> <unmount SD> <OK>
Do only change the microSD card when the device is switched off .
Do not try to insert or remove the microSD card when any external power supply
is connected, otherwise the microSD card may be damaged.
Press the
[Power key]
until the screen lights up.
Depending on the security settings of your SIM card, the device may ask you for your
personal identifi cation number (PIN) before starting up. The fi rst time you power on
your device, you may be prompted to assign a language, date and time zone and enter
your personal information.
You will also be asked to sign in or set up your Google™ account. You can do this later
but please note that some of the functions of the device like the Google Play™ Store
depend on a Google account.
In actual use the run time of the device varies with the network status, working
environment and usage.
When the power of the battery is lower than normal, the device will prompt you to
charge it. Please charge the battery; otherwise you may lose any fi les which are not
saved. If you do not charge for a long time, the device will be powered off automatically.
The device may only be charged at ambient temperatures in a range from 5°C … 35°C.
Please do not use charging equipment if the temperature exceeds this range.
The device features two micro SIM card slots. The slots are accessible by
removing the cover of the card compartment at the back of the device.
If you have installed two SIM cards, you can choose your primary card
<Settings> <SIM cards>
<SIM cards>
Do only change the SIM card when the device is switched off .
Do not try to insert or remove the SIM cards when any external power supply
is connected, otherwise the SIM card may be damaged.
The device features a microSD card slot. The slot is accessible by removing the cover
of the card compartment at the back of the device. If the SD card is not recognized,
a reboot must take place, this can be started by holding down the ON/OFF key for
approx. 15 sec.
If you want to remove the micro SD card, please make sure that the card is not in use
by the device by selecting:
<Settings> <Storage>
<Storage> <unmount SD>
<unmount SD> <OK>
Do only change the microSD card when the device is switched off .
Do not try to insert or remove the microSD card when any external power supply
Do not try to insert or remove the microSD card when any external power supply
is connected, otherwise the microSD card may be damaged.
Press the
[Power key]
until the screen lights up.
Depending on the security settings of your SIM card, the device may ask you for your
Depending on the security settings of your SIM card, the device may ask you for your
personal identifi cation number (PIN) before starting up. The fi rst time you power on
personal identifi cation number (PIN) before starting up. The fi rst time you power on
your device, you may be prompted to assign a language, date and time zone and enter
your device, you may be prompted to assign a language, date and time zone and enter
your device, you may be prompted to assign a language, date and time zone and enter
your personal information.
You will also be asked to sign in or set up your Google™ account. You can do this later
You will also be asked to sign in or set up your Google™ account. You can do this later
but please note that some of the functions of the device like the Google Play™ Store
depend on a Google account.