© 2022 HyQuest Solutions
Data Logging
The iRIS supports the logging of data from up to fifty virtual sensors. Each of the virtual sensors can obtain information
from one of the following data sources:
Analogue input on AIN1 – AIN2
Pulse counter attached to DI1, DI2 or DIO
Simulated pulse counter enabled by DI1, DI2 or DIO
Frequency counter attached to DI1, DI2 or DIO
Up/down counter attached to DI1, DI2 or DIO simultaneously
SDI-12 instrument channel
Change of status on charger input (dc supply)
Battery voltage
Supply (charger) voltage
Logger temperature
Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI)
Change Of State on digital I/O channels DI1, DI2 or DIO
Serial instrument (using the Modbus protocol)
Each sensor can be set up to scale the raw data source into engineering units through the application of a multiplier and
offset (slope and constant). The scaled value can be logged to non-volatile memory at rates between once per minute to
once per hour or immediately in true event mode for pulse inputs.
It is also possible to configure a sensor to also log associated values such as minimum, maximum, standard deviation (for
all source types) or a calculated flow rate or volume (pulse type sources only). See the next section for further details on
configuring these extended logging features as part of the Sensor Configuration menus.
Logged Data Array Identification
Each sensor’s logged data is identified by an array ID number. For the primary logged data, the ID is the sensor number
itself. For the optional supplementary data (min, max, deviation, flow/vol), the array ID has an offset added to the sensor
number that it is associated with. These ID offsets are as follows:
Check Count
For example, Sensor 4 has been configured to log the average value, plus the maximum and standard deviation. Three
data arrays will be logged for this sensor at each logging interval with IDs of 4, 104 and 154 respectively. In HydroTel™ or
SODA these require point identifiers of 4, 104 and 154 respectively.
Array 0 (zero) is a special array identifier and is used as a system event log. Currently this is only used to log
a restart (either at the initial connection of power, on a watchdog reset or a user program start after an
upgrade). The logged value in this case contains a value that can be decoded to determine the cause of the
restart. In HydroTel the identifier for this item is 0.
Alarm Processing
There is a “pool” of up to 100 free-format alarms. These can be assigned to any virtual sensor. It therefore possible to
have two alarms on every sensor or else more on some sensors and less or none on others. Each alarm has separate
trigger and reset levels, an activation delay or accumulation period depending upon the data type, comms interval,
enable call-in and an option to send a customised SMS text to a specified number when the alarm is triggered.