Version January 2020
HÜRNER HWT 400–WeldControl User’s Manual
H Ü R N E R S c h w e i s s t e c h n i k G m b H
Nieder-Ohmener Str. 26
35325 Mücke, Germany
Type of Error
Pressure Sensor Defective
The sensor indicated on the display (hydraulic pressure, heating
element temperature, ambient temperature) is defective; where
possible, check the connections/plug; have the machine inspected by
an authorized service shop if needed.
Heating Sensor Defective
Temperature Sensor
Printer not Ready
(only label tag printer)
The optional printer is not ready (possible reasons also: no
communication or faulty cable).
Download Cancelled
During data transfer or printing, an error condition occurred which
could not be cleared.
Memory Full
The system memory is full of welding reports. Print or download the
reports in memory or switch memory control off. Without memory
control, a new report overwrites the oldest existing one.
c. Welding Process
Temperature low
Heating element temperature will be increased automatically.
Temperature high
Heating element temperature will be reduced automatically.
Error Changeover
It took too long to retract the heating plate and bring the pipes to
joining; welding will have to be repeated.
Error Drag Pressure
Impossible to determine the drag pressure; maybe pipes will have to
be clamped once again; or the pressure is below 1 bar, which is not
feasible for technical reasons.
Error Build-up Pressure
Build-up pressure too high or too low and was not re-adjusted in
Error Heat Soak Pressure
Heat-soaking pressure too high and was not re-adjusted in time.
Error Joining Pressure
Joining pressure too high or too low and was not re-adjusted in
Cooling Stopped
Operator has stopped the cooling time by pressing the STOP/REST
Error Plate Temperature
Heating element temperature is out of tolerance; impossible to
re-adjust the temperature; maybe the ambient temperature was too
4.6 Using ViewWeld to View Welding Reports and Print Tags
The ViewWeld feature, provided the WeldControl mode is being used,
offers viewing an abstracted version of the welding report recorded
during the last welding process and printing it as a label tag to be af-
fixed to the joint on the optionally available tag printer. The ViewWeld
abstract shows the report number, the date and time of the welding
and the welding parameters along with an evaluation of the quality
of the joint/welding operation (see Display 32).
To call the ViewWeld abstract of a welding report, press the
key in
the start screen (see Display 3). To print a tag of this operation, press
the START/SET key in the ViewWeld screen.
After the ViewWeld abstract was accessed, it is possible to browse
through all abstracts in memory by pressing the
Producing Pipe Fittings/Branch-offs
When the machine is switched on prior to welding, the in-
stuctions given in Sect. 4.1 on checking-out and turning-on
have to be taken into account at all times.
0015 24.02.13 09:33
HST 315
No Error
Display 32