Version January 2020
HÜRNER HWT 400–WeldControl User’s Manual
H Ü R N E R S c h w e i s s t e c h n i k G m b H
Nieder-Ohmener Str. 26
35325 Mücke, Germany
the rotating field of the machine has to have the proper direction. If
any of the supply parameters is out of tolerance when the machine
is turned on, to change the direction of the rotation of the field, the
phase inverter in the plug can be used. Two of its contact pins are
placed on a grey turning disk. A flathead scredriver can be used to
turn this disk, thereby inverting the positions of the two pins, which
in turn inverts the rotation of the field.
3.3 Overview of How to Use the Machine
The welder performs the welding process in the following manner.
Detailed explanations of its individual stages can be found in Sect. 4.
• The master clamp assemblies needed for the jointing operation
(straight or angular joint, tee, crosspiece or Y branch-off) are in-
stalled and, in the case of a segmented bend, set to the needed
angle (for more information, refer to Sect. 3.4, as to tees, cross-
pieces and Y branch-offs, also to Sect. 5.1, 5.2).
• If components with an outside diameter smaller than the maxi
mum dimension of the clamp assemblies are welded, select the
reducer inserts that match the needed outside diameter. The
indivudal inserts of the matching set have to be attached to the
master clamps using the provided bolts.
• At the control terminal, welding parameters (component mate
rial, diameter, etc.) and data on commission, installing company,
etc. can be applied from the last welding or can be entered.
• Components are clamped into the clamps, aligned to the midpoints
of the facing disks, and faced.
• Pipe alignment is verified.
• For large-diameter joints, the (optional) additional, supporting
cylinder is installed to the clamp assemblies if desired.
• If the Configuration Menu allows it, the welding times and pres
sures can be entered or changed manually.
• The welding process, depending on the previous selection either
semi-automatic (WeldControl mode) or manual (manual mode),
is started and observed in order, in the WeldControl mode, for
the welder to be able to respond to any remarks or instructions
on the screen.
• The joint is visually inspected, any needed label tags are printed,
after the cooling time the additional cylinder is removed, the
joint taken out of the clamps, and the carriages moved apart.
3.4 Installing the Master Clamping Assemblies to the Carriages
In line with your order, the butt-welding system was shipped with
master clamps made of either steel or cast aluminum. The master
clamps are also the supports into which the reducer
inserts will be installed, if needed, that allow clamping
components with an outside diameter smaller than the
maximum size of the welding system. The master clamps
you ordered will be installed when the system is delivered
to you.
For the welding system, the kind of master clamps you
did not order are optionally available. This section, there-
fore, explains the differences between cast-aluminum and
steel clamps and their respective installation. In order to
replace the ones with the others, first perform in reverse
order the installation steps described below, to remove
the installed master clamping assemblies.
Cast-aluminum master clamps
are wider, towards the outside at
the rear. Specific versions of the the cast-aluminum master clamps
Master clamps made
of cast aluminum