5.9 Air Duct
● There are two types of air ducts: air duct for the server with Kunpeng 920 7260,
5250, or 5230 processors and air duct for the server with Kunpeng 920 5220 or
3210 processors. Before replacing the air duct, obtain the spare part based on
the processor model. For details about how to query the server model, see
Querying the Processor Model of a Server
● This section uses the server with Kunpeng 920 7260, 5250, or 5230 processors
as an example to describe the internal structure of a server. The procedures for
removing and installing the air duct are the same for the server configured
with Kunpeng 920 5220 or 3210 processors.
Removing the Air Duct
Step 1 Wear an ESD wrist strap. For details, see
Step 2 Power off the server. For details, see
Step 3 Remove the power cables. For details, see
Step 4 Remove the server. For details, see
5.4.4 Removing the Server and Guide Rails
Step 5 Remove the chassis cover. For details, see
Step 6 (Optional) If a full-height full-length riser module is installed in I/O module 1 or
2, remove it. For details, see
Step 7 If the server is configured with a supercapacitor, disconnect the supercapacitor
from the RAID controller card. See
TaiShan 200 Server
Maintenance and Service Guide (Model 2280)
5 Removal and Installation
Issue 04 (2020-01-16)
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