Spanning Tree
Figure 19. Edit Spanning Tree Port Configuration Page
The Edit Spanning Tree Port Configuration page enables you to configure settings and view status and
statistics for the selected interfaces.
Table 14. Edit Spanning Tree Port Configuration Fields
Configurable Port Settings
The port and trunk IDs selected for configuration.
Port Priority
The priority for the port within Spanning Tree. This value is used in determining which port on
a switch becomes the root port when two ports have the same least-cost path to the root. The
higher priority port (that is, the port with the lower priority value) becomes the root port. If the
priority values are the same, the port with the lower interface index becomes the root port.
Select a value from 0 to 240 in increments of 16. The default is 128.
Admin Edge Port
Select this option to administratively configure the port as an edge port (that is, a port that
connects directly to a network host or network segment that has no other bridge). During STP
convergence, edge ports automatically are placed in the forwarding state and are not
included in the spanning tree topology. This feature is disabled by default.
Auto Edge
When selected, the switch automatically designates the port as an edge port if it does not
receive any BPDUs within a specified time period. This feature is enabled by default.