2 How to Install Accessories in Your Minitower PC
Installing Mass Storage Devices
Installing Mass Storage Devices
You can install a non-IDE mass storage device, but this requires an
accessory board and driver software. Contact your authorized reseller
for information.
You can install additional mass storage devices if you need extra mass
storage space. Up to two hard disk drives and three front-access
devices (in addition to the floppy disk drive) can be installed in your
PC. Your PC may already have a CD-ROM drive installed in one of the
front-access shelves.
Connecting IDE Devices
If you add an IDE Zip drive, hard disk drive, CD-ROM drive, or tape
drive, you need to connect it to power and data cables. The data cables
are shown below:
CD-ROM Drive data
cable (the Master
connector is at the
end of the cable)
Flexible Disk Drive
data cable (non-IDE)
Note: If your PC does not
have a preinstalled CD-ROM
drive it will not have a
CD-ROM data cable.
IDE Hard Disk Drive
data cable (the
Master connector
is at the end of the
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