Appendix A
Traffic Manager Statistics
The Node page
The following table describes the statistics on the Node page.
The Graphs page
The Graphs page displays the same statistics displayed on the Node page (cache performance, current
connections and transfers, network, and name resolution) in graphical format. In addition, you can use the
Graphs page to display multiple statistics in one graph.
For information about using the Graphs button, refer to
The Graphs button‚ on page 66
. For a description of
the statistics listed on the Graphs page, refer to
The Node page‚ on page 121
Node IP Address
The IP address assigned to this node. If virtual IP addressing is enabled,
several virtual IP addresses could be assigned to this node.
Virtual IP Address
If you have configured your Traffic Server system to use virtual IP addresses
(refer to
Virtual IP failover‚ on page 47
), the virtual IP addresses for each
node in a cluster display at the bottom of the More Detail page.
Document Hit Rate
The ratio of cache hits to total cache requests, averaged over 10 seconds.
This value is refreshed every 10 seconds.
Bandwidth Savings
The ratio of bytes served from the cache to total requested bytes,
averaged over 10 seconds. This value is refreshed every 10 seconds.
Cache Percent Free
The ratio of cache free space to total cache space.
In Progress
Open Server Connections
The number of currently open origin server connections.
Open Client Connections
The number of currently open client connections.
Cache Transfers In Progress
The number of cache transfers (cache reads and writes) in progress.
Client Throughput (MB/Sec)
The number of MB per second passing through node (and cluster).
Transactions per second
The number of HTTP transactions per second.
Name Resolution
Host Database Hit Rate
The ratio of host database hits to total host database lookups, averaged
over 10 seconds. This value is refreshed every 10 seconds.
DNS Lookups Per Second
The number of DNS lookups per second.