Appendix D
Configuration Files
LogFilter specifications can consist of the following tags:
LogObject specifications can consist of the following tags:
Allowed Inputs
<Name = "valid_filter_name"/>
(Required) All filters must be uniquely named.
<Action = “valid_action_field”/>
(Required) ACCEPT or REJECT. This instructs Traffic Server to
either accept or reject records satisfying the condition of the filter.
<Condition = “valid_log_field
(Required) This field contains the following elements:
valid_log_field: The field that will be compared against the given
value. For more information, refer to
Logging format cross
reference‚ on page 224
valid_operator_field: Any one of the following: MATCH,
CASE_INSENSITIVE_CONTAIN. MATCH is true if the field and
value are identical (case sensitive).
CASE_INSENSITIVE_MATCH is similar to MATCH, only case
insensitive. CONTAIN is true if the field contains the value (the
value is a substring of the field).
CASE_INSENSITIVE_CONTAIN is a case insensitive version of
valid_comparison_value: Any string or integer matching the field
type. For integer values, all of the operators are equivalent and
mean that the field must be equal to the specified value.
There are no negative comparison operators. If you want to
specify a negative condition, use the Action field to REJECT the
Allowed Inputs
<Format = “valid_format_name”/>
(Required) Valid format names include the pre-defined logging
formats, namely squid, common, extended, and extended2, as
well as any previously-defined custom Log formats. There is no
default for this tag.
<Filename = “local_file_name”/>
(Required) The file name to which the given log file is written in
the local filesystem or in a remote collation server. No local log
file will be created if you fail to specify this tag. All file names
are relative to the default logging directory.
If the name does not contain an extension (for example
the extension
is automatically appended to it for ASCII
logs and
for binary logs. (See Chapter , “<Mode =
“valid_logging_mode”/>,”.) If you do not want an extension to
be added, end the filename with a single dot (.). For example,