Chapter 10
Configuring Traffic Server
Figure 10-1. Traffic Manager Configure mode buttons
Using Configure mode
In Configure mode, Traffic Manager displays a series of buttons on the Configure tab. Each button represents
a group of configuration options. Each button is described below.
The Server button
Click the Server button to view or change Traffic Server’s basic configuration options. You can:
Turn Traffic Server on or off
Identify the hostname of the Traffic Server, the Traffic Server port and user ID
Enable local domain expansion and .com domain expansion
Restart the
process, change Traffic Manager port, and edit the refresh rate for the
statistics displayed in Monitor mode
Configure the use of virtual IP addresses
Auto-configure browsers to connect to Traffic Server as a proxy server
Restrict the number of network connections Traffic Server will accept (this is called throttling)
Configure the way Traffic Server handles overload conditions in transparency mode (load shedding)
Enable SNMP
All the configuration options available in Configure mode are described in
Chapter B‚
Traffic Manager Configuration Options
Click here to display
the Configure mode
Click a button to
display a page listing
configuration options
you can modify
Click this button to display
a description of the
configuration options on
the current page
Shows the current user
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