Appendix A
Traffic Manager Statistics
The MRTG page
The MRTG graphs are described in an online document. To view descriptions about the various graphs
available, click the more info link at the bottom of the MRTG page.
Network Backups
The number of times this node encountered intracluster network
congestion and reverted to proxy-only mode since installation.
Clustering Nodes
The number of clustering nodes.
Unsuccessful Connections
The number of unsuccessful connections to the SOCKS server since
Successful Connections
The number of successful connections to the SOCKS server since
Connections in progress
The number of SOCKS connections in progress.
Currently Open Log Files
The number of event log files (formats) that are currently being written.
Space Used For Log Files
The current amount of space being used by the logging directory, which
contains all of the event and error logs.
Number of Access Events
The current number of access events that have been written to log files.
This counter represents one entry in one file, so that if multiple formats are
being written, a single access will create multiple event log entries.
Number of Access Events
The number of skipped access events.
Number of Error Events
The current number of events that have been written to the event error log.