Press and hold the enclosure Unit Identification button (1) and press the Integrated Administrator
Reset button (2) simultaneously on the rear panel of the blade PC to place the enclosure in Lost
Password/Flash Disaster Recovery mode.
When the serial console prompt appears, press the
This command boots the system in Lost Password mode, which resets the Administrator password to
the factory default and displays it on the console.
Launching Flash Disaster Recovery
Flash Recovery mode requires the following items:
DHCP server
TFTP server
A connection to the Integrated Administrator serial console
Integrated Administrator ROM image file on the TFTP server
The filename of the ROM image of the Integrated Administrator can be any valid ASCII
filename. The ROM image of the Integrated Administrator can be any valid image that supports the
“update image" facility in the operating system.
The Integrated Administrator will automatically enter Flash Recovery mode when a corrupted image is
detected. Flash Recovery mode can also be manually initiated.
No timeout exists for obtaining a DHCP address.
The Flash Recovery process should only be initiated when the Integrated Administrator fails to boot
properly because an operating system image is corrupted by some unforeseen problem, such as a
power/catastrophic failure during the standard “update image” flash procedure.
Flash Recovery mode makes every attempt to successfully flash the operating system image of the
Integrated Administrator. The only way to leave Flash Recovery mode without successfully updating the
image is to reset the Integrated Administrator.
Launching Flash Disaster Recovery 115