Adjust X2A CCW
to decrease amplitude.
Adjust X2B CW
to increase amplitude.
Disconnect the oscilloscope probe and reconnect the detector as shown
in Figure
5-40. Set the
oscilloscope’s vertical sensitivity (CHAN A) to 0.5 V/Div. Readjust the vertical position and/or
sensitivity, if necessary, to view the entire trace on the scope. Note the position of the minimum
power point.
15. Press [MANUAL]on the OUT. Adjust the front panel rotary knob until the dot on the scope is near
the position noted as the minimum power point. Slowly vary the position of the dot around this
point while observing the OUT’s POWER dBin display. The minimum power displayed should be
> 1 dB
above the maximum leveled power specification for the OUT in Band 2(6.9 to 13.5 GHz). If
this is not the case, disconnect the detector from the OUT and connect the power meter and
power sensor. Again, slowly vary the rotary knob and determine the power level of the minimum
power point. If it is still
1 dB above the maximum leveled power specification, press [RECALL]
[1] on the OUT and repeat steps 9 through 15.
3 Adjustments
16. On
the OUT, press
[3] [5] [GHz]
[0] [GHz]
Adjust the scope’s vertical position and/or sensitivity control to display the swept RF output.
17. Adjust A28R99 (BP1) to peak the power in the second half of the display. This pot may need to be
adjusted several turns before any effect is observed.
If the trace goes off the oscilloscope display in the following adjustments, adjust the vertical
position and/or sensitivity controls to view the entire trace on the display.
Adjust A24R6 (X3A) to optimize the power in the first half of the display.
Adjust A24R7 (X3B) to optimize the power in
the second half of the display.
Figure 5-42.
Oscilloscope Display of SRD Bias Waveform
HP 8340B/41B