Figure 25 Fibre Channel cabling for the EVA (rear view, mid-mounted controller)
1. This cable connects controller 1, device port 1B (top left—Cntrl 1, DP1B) to I/O module B, port 2 (bottom
right—I/O B, P2).
2. This cable connects controller 2, device port 1A (top right—Cntrl 2, DP1A) to I/O module A, port 2 (bottom
left—I/O A, P2).
Connecting Fibre Channel cables to the EVA4400 (front end)
You can cable the front end of your EVA4400 either to external Fibre Channel switches or directly
to servers. See
Figure 26 (page 38)
Figure 28 (page 39)
for front end connections with
server-based management. See
Figure 27 (page 38)
Figure 29 (page 39)
for front end
connections with array-based management.
The cabling diagrams in
Figure 26 (page 38)
Figure 29 (page 39)
require fabric
connect mode, which is the default as shipped.
Connecting Fibre Channel cables to the EVA4400 (front end)