Operation Setting
Operation setting is used to set the tasks for the X-DCS3000 keys, contact inputs and timing
1. Operation
Key List
Key List is used to set the tasks for manual operation by the X-DCS3000 keys.
Key 1~Key 4 respectively correspond to the 4 sound source selection buttons on the X-
DCS3000 front panel.
Click the Key1~Key4 respectively corresponding task cells, and select the tasks have been
configured in the phase of Task.
Contact Input List
There are two types of dry contact input on the DCS: Physical and Virtual.
Physical dry contact input is the signal which is sent from corresponding physical ports on
the device.
Virtual dry contact input is the signal which is set through the system inner software for
operation convenience, and it can be applied to linkage control, for example links with
FAS system according to LPI-ModBus. If the fire alarm interface is Net-NRI, the
evacuation tasks and alert tasks of the each X-DCS3000 corresponding virtual dry
contacts can be set in the section of NRI Task Setting.
Only one task or task serial can be selected for each contact input port. The steps are following:
a. Check the Enable check box as needed.
b. Each port respectively corresponding task cell, when click, provides a drop-down
menu with a list of selectable task or task serial options.
c. Select one task or task serial as needed.
Device Status Output
Dry contact output can be set as “General Fault Output” or “Fire Status Output”.
When a dry contact output is set as “General Fault Output”, usually the port is in open status. If the
DCS finds any fault, this port will be closed to transit the fault status to the third-party device.
When a dry contact output is set as “Fire Status Output”, usually the port is in open status. If DCS
enters emergency mode, this port will be closed to transit the fire alarm signal to the third device.