Terminal board supply check
This check is done with the tester in voltmeter function (Volt
DC 0 ÷ 20), with the black test prod on 1 terminal and the red
test prod on the 8 terminal of the female connector of the wiring.
The reading indicates the battery voltage: this must not fall
below 11 volts.
Lights operation check
Making a bridge between the 8 and 2 terminals of the CN 1
cable connector, the lights should come on.
Checking the operation of the star-
ter relay
When a bridge is established between terminals 8 and 6 of the
connector [1] on wiring CN 1, actuation of the relay must be
actuated and the starter must operate.
If the relays are actuated but the starter does not operate, use
a cable with a large cross-section (5 mm²) to establish a
bridge [2] between the relay’s power terminals.
If the starter does not operate, check for the fault inside the
relay and replace the relay. If this is not the case, check the
starter and its wiring.