The model is now ready to build. The final steps include screwing on of the wing on the
fuselage. For this, the lower planking must be in place of the Flat screws are pierced. Tip:
these edges can also be reapplied with liquid Superglue to be hardened.Once the wing is
screwed onto the fuselage, all angles are once again made by the Controlled wing up to the
tail unit. If these angles match, it is important that the Glue any loose surface screw
connections in the fuselage (4mm plywood parts). This Step is particularly important as the
glued surface screw connections are essential to the Contribute to the rigidity of the
trunk.Before covering, it must be ensured that all support feet and retaining bars of the
milled parts are clean are removed or there are no unevenness to disturb the profile.When
covering the wings, it is particularly important to use the film on both sides as well to stretch
evenly on the model. It is also important to ensure that both sides a wing are exposed to a
uniform pull.If this is not the case, the wing will twist itself and thus the Significantly
negatively affect the flight characteristics of the model.We recommend ORACOVER light foils
for covering the Puritos.When the model is completely covered, the GRP control horns are
still in the for it to glue the cutouts provided. The longer rudder horn is for the Elevator, the
shorter one used for the rudder. The linkages are in the to attach outer holes of the rudder
horns, so that an optimal rudder deflection is achieved can be.The high-start hook can now
also be screwed in and the remaining RC components be installed.
Basic settings before the first flight:- Center of gravity: for the first flight, a center of
gravity of about 75mm (from the Leading edge of the wing measured).- Rudder
deflections: El/- 1cm, rudder 45 degrees, airbrakes Maximum deflection 90
degrees (with a little elevator on the airbrakes add approx. 10% of the total
deflection)Note: light hand throws are advisable for the first few flights in order to
get the correct one Find rudder settings.The assembly instructions give you a
suggestion on how to assemble the model. Should you still have any suggestions or
suggestions for improvement, we look forward to hearing from you about feedback
from you.We wish you a lot of fun with your finished Purito.
Have a good flight!