Description electric fuse:
We start with the fuselage
slipway: the parts of the slipway
are on a separate 3mm poplar
plywood board. The stops are
carefully cut out and glued into
the slots provided. Stop 1 is
provided for slot 1, stop 2 for
slot 2, etc.
The slipway for the fuselage boom is on a 3mm balsa board and is glued as well.
Thee directions L (left) and R (right) are in the direction of flight. For components R7 to R10,
make sure that there is a left and a right part each, since the motor bulkhead is glued with
side pull. The side pull in the motor bulkhead shortens the right side of the fuselage and
lengthens the left side.
On the 2nd picture you can see all the parts that are needed for the construction. The parts
are arranged in the picture as they will be assembled. The 0.6mm plywood reinforcement
R10 is already glued to the balsa side R9 with white glue. The right half of the fuselage is the
shorter side, so parts R7 and R8 are also shorter. They are glued together with R6 to the
fuselage half as shown in the picture.